• Septian Agung Pratomo Politeknik Indonusa Surakarta
  • Onery Andy Saputra Politeknik Indonusa Surakarta
  • Sudiro Sudiro Politeknik Indonusa Surakarta
Keywords: Front Body, Process, Autodesk Fusion 360, Mini Car


Material for the front body of the mini car is designed according to the standard vehicle
body in general, the front body of the mini car is designed for small-dimensional vehicles that
are more efficient when the road conditions are congested and the road is narrow. The
purpose of the Final Project is to find out the shape of the body, the material to make the
frame and the body, and how the process of making the front body of the mini car.
The initial process of forming the front body starts from the process of observation,
interviews, documentation, study of literature, data collection, which is used as reference data
for making the front body of the mini car. The process of making the front body is carried out
at the D3 workshop of the Indonusa Polytechnic Automotive Engine in Surakarta, starting the
design process of Autodesk Fusion 360, selecting material for making body material and the
front frame, making the body frame and front body plate in accordance with the design that
was created using Autodesk Fusion 360, the surface preparation process the front body of the
mini car starts from the picking process, the sanding process, the epoxy process and finally
the front body painting process. The production process takes 6 months.
After going through the stages of body building, the front body is obtained in
accordance with the concept of the Final Tricycle wheel, for the design combined design,
design team and design design from reference sources produce quality products, aerodynamic
body concepts in addition to producing quality body shapes, aerodynamics is useful to
improve performance efficiency the car dispels the wind, the framework uses 2 types of iron
namely Hollow Galvanized and strip iron, body plate uses a thickness of 0.9 mm. The making
of the framework uses cutting tools, measuring tools, hammers, electric welding while the
formation of body plates is formed manually with cut and hammer grinders, for the parts
where there are indentations, the shape mall is made first. Before the body plate cutting
